Our Partners

A well-prepared workforce is not possible without our many community partners. The Collaborative brings together the expertise and voices of many to train and support child welfare professionals.

Community Partners

Foster Adopt Minnesota

Foster Adopt Minnesota, known as FAM, is a non-placing agency in the state of Minnesota that provides programs and services to fully support adoptive, kinship and foster families and their children.

Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI)

Quality Parenting Initiative – Minnesota (QPI-MN), is a collaborative community approach to strengthening foster care and improving outcomes for children/youth and families in the child welfare system. All individuals and agencies connected to the foster care system are welcomed partners in the ongoing QPI-MN work.

The Institute to Transform Child Protection (ITCP)

The Institute to Transform Child Protection (ITCP) works toward a more effective nationwide child protection system to preserve families, prevent trauma, and build resilience through innovative policy, forward-thinking education, and ongoing training.

We frequently partner with other organizations to offer high-quality continuing education (for lawyers, social workers, GALs, and other professionals) from a multi-disciplinary perspective. By teaching and advocating for trauma-responsive legal practices, ITCP works to break cycles of trauma and ensure better legal outcomes for children and their families.

Cierra Buckner, LSW - Program Coordinator, Institute to Transform Child Protection


The Minnesota Children’s Alliance

The Minnesota Children’s Alliance is a membership organization that works with communities to strengthen coordinated responses to child abuse through multidisciplinary teams (MDTs), develop local Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs), and support professionals in the field through training, research, and advocacy in state and national legislatures.

The MN Guardian ad Litem Board (GALB)

The State Guardian ad Litem Board was established by legislation in 2010 to administer a statewide, independent Guardian ad Litem program to advocate for the best interest of children in Juvenile and Family courts.

The mission of the State Guardian ad Litem Board is to provide well trained, effective guardians ad litem to advocate for safe and permanent homes for the children we represent in Juvenile and Family courts within the ten judicial districts and across the state of Minnesota.

Tanya Wenning - Training and Development Specialist


Zero Abuse Project (ZAP)

Mission: The Zero Abuse Project and CAST work to end all forms of child maltreatment through education, training and prevention while advocating for and serving children, adult survivors and communities.