Title IV-E Consortium
The Minnesota Title IV-E Consortium was created in 2005 to address the need for social workers specifically trained in child welfare. Consortium member universities contract with the Minnesota Department of Human Services for federal Title IV-E funds to provide funding for BSW and MSW students with an interest in and commitment to child welfare. The schools provide specialized educational opportunities, individualized support, focused practicum experiences and funds to prepare bachelors and masters level social workers for a career in public and/or Tribal child welfare services in Minnesota. Minnesota Title IV-E Consortium members include Bemidji State University, Metropolitan State University, Minnesota State University Mankato, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Southwest Minnesota State University, St Cloud State University, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, University of Minnesota Duluth, and Winona State University.
MN Title IV-E Consortium members can go here for the MN Title IV-E Consortium page.
Bemidji State UniversityBemidji State offers a BSW Child Welfare Scholars Program. This program provides financial support and educational resources to BSW students committed to a post-graduate career in public or tribal child welfare. Primary elements of the Child Welfare Scholars program include financial support, specialized educational/programmatic elements and career development and support. Ashley Charwood |
Mankato State UniversityThe Title IV-E Child Welfare Program at Minnesota State University, Mankato (MSU, M) Department of Social Work is to support the recruitment, education, and retention of a well-prepared public and tribal child welfare workforce in Minnesota. MSU, M’s Department of Social Work is home to the BSSW, undergraduate, and MSW, graduate, programs. Debra Gohagan |
Metropolitan State UniversityMetropolitan State University Social Work Department Multicultural Child Welfare Stipend Program.The mission of the Social Work program is to integrate the values, knowledge and skills inherent to social work into an academic program that will enable multi-culturally competent bachelor's level students to engage in generalist social work practices that will meet the needs of the increasingly diverse Twin Cities communities. Robert L. O’Connor MSW |
Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM)Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) is a public university in Moorhead, Minnesota. The School of Social Work at Minnesota State University Moorhead is a member of the Child Welfare Consortium, which is composed of numerous institutions of higher education across Minnesota. Title IV-E funds have been allocated for students planning to work in a child welfare setting upon graduation. The goal of the program is to prepare competent child welfare practitioners eager to improve the quality of our child welfare system. Linda Jaeger |
Southwest Minnesota State UniversitySouthwest Minnesota State University’s Social Work Program offers a Bachelor of Science. A BSW education combines liberal arts with professional social work foundation content to prepare students to work effectively with individuals, families, communities, and organizations. The program also offers the Title IV-E Child Welfare program to prepare students for working in public or tribal child welfare settings. Amber Kinner-Alahakoon Amber.Kinner-Alahakoon@smsu.edu |
St. Cloud State UniversityThe SCSU Title IV-E Child Welfare Program prepares BSW and MSW students for service with children and families in public and tribal child welfare. Our Child Welfare Scholars, through our social work courses and internships, develop knowledge and skills aligned with the Minnesota Child Welfare Competencies. Dr. Sara DeVos Amanda Johnson |
University of Minnesota DuluthThe Center for Regional and Tribal Child Welfare Studies implements a Title IV-E stipend program for bachelor’s and master’s level students preparing to become tribal or public child welfare practitioners. With a focus on preparing child welfare scholars to work effectively with American Indian families, the CRTCWS provides stipend funding, coursework, curriculum development, and co-curricular activities to support students while they are in school, and assistance with job pay back obligations after degree completion. |
University of Minnesota Twin CitiesCASCW administers the Title IV-E Child Welfare Fellowship at the University of Minnesota School of Social Work. The goal of the Title IV-E Child Welfare Program is to provide financial support and educational resources to the Master of Social Work students committed to post-graduate careers in public or tribal child welfare. The primary elements of the Title IV-E Child Welfare Fellowship are:
Kate Walthour |
Winona State UniversityAre you passionate about promoting the welfare of children through child protection, foster care, adoption, family services, and/or tribal social services? IV-E Child Welfare Funding is available for full-time undergraduate Social Work students at WSU to get hands-on experience before they graduate and apply their skills at Title IV-E eligible welfare agencies afterward. BSW Contact: Ruth Charles MSW Contact: Sky Niesen Smith MSW Contact: Emma Fuhrman |